Home » Developing Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Business Growth: The Case of Maple Producers
Developing Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Business Growth: The Case of Maple Producers

“Developing Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Business Growth: The Case of Maple Producers” is a live Zoom webinar on Monday, March 17 at 2pm. Explore how maple producers integrate both traditional and digital marketing strategies to create seamless and cohesive brand experiences for customers. Learn how to craft a compelling brand identity, maximize visibility across multiple channels, build meaningful customer relationships, optimize sales opportunities, and foster a loyal community. By employing a holistic approach to marketing, producers can enhance their brand’s visibility, increase customer engagement, and build a sustainable business.

Speaker: Zachary Smith, Agricultural Business Educator, University of Vermont Extension
Zac provides farm business outreach and education, assisting farmers in analyzing their businesses, evaluating alternatives, and promoting best practices. Zac advises farm owners in the preparation of farm business plans and transfer & succession plans. He also oversees project teams to implement operational and investment changes and comply with environmental regulations. Zac joined the staff of UVM Extension in 2019 after collaborating on Farm Viability projects. He holds a B.A. from Ohio University (Athens), an M.B.A. from Kennesaw State University in Georgia and is pursuing PhD studies at UVM focusing on Plant and Soil Sciences and Agroecology. Zac has lived in Vermont since 2014 with his wife. He is inspired by the unique farmers he works with and sees his work as a way to contribute to growing communities.

Speaker: Tony Johnson, Forestry Outreach Specialist for UW-Madison Extension
Tony is a statewide extension educator focused on working lands forestry outreach to support Wisconsin landowners. In addition to traditional woodland owner forestry outreach, he runs the Wisconsin Extension Maple Syrup Program and provides agroforestry programming through grant funded initiatives. Prior to joining Extension, Tony worked on conservation and ecological restoration projects for the USDA, Army Corps of Engineers, National Park Service and in the private sector. He holds a B.S. in Biology from UW-Milwaukee, and a Master’s in Natural Resources from Cornell University.
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