FEED Summit in Milwaukee, Partnering with Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education!

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UW-Madison Division of Extension Community Food Systems Program is partnering with the North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) and the Milwaukee Food Council to organize a 2-day summit for Wisconsin food and farming entrepreneurs! The 2024 Food Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development (FEED) Summit will be held in-person on October 28th and 29th, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Community Food Systems Program’s FEED Initiative is a statewide program of UW-Madison Extension that promotes food entrepreneurship training and network development for aspiring value-added producers and small-scale food business operators. UW-Madison Extension’s outreach creates key connection points for families, communities, businesses, non-profit organizations, government, and more. Extension supports local volunteers and leaders to take action and serve as role models in their communities. Extension has a presence in every county in Wisconsin and in partnership with First Nations to make sure Wisconsinites have the latest research, best practices, and educational opportunities. 

Partners for the 2024 FEED Summit are Extension Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Farmers Markets Association, Milwaukee Food Council, Food Finance Institute, North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), UW-Madison Extension Center for Cooperatives, and USDA Rural Development. Watch for additional partners to be listed as our Exhibitors list grows! 

Wisconsin’ s SARE program, along with the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute; USDA Rural Development; and the Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection will conduct two workshops on grant-writing for farmers and food entrepreneurs. The first session will cover basic principles of grant-writing and where to find information about grant programs. The second session will provide a brief overview of several popular grant programs for farmers in Wisconsin. “These in-person grant sessions provide a great opportunity for farmers and grant program staff to connect. In addition, attendees get to learn from each other, which adds tremendous value.” commented Extension Sustainable Agriculture Outreach Specialist Diane Mayerfeld.

Thanks to exhibitors, Extension is able to offer participant registration starting at $75, increasing to $85 after September 15th. All are welcome to attend this year’s FEED Summit to learn, connect, and promote their food business!

Find more information on the FEED Summit homepage: https://go.wisc.edu/62371s

Register here: https://go.wisc.edu/h8ya16

For additional information about the FEED Summit email Extension Community Food Systems Food Entrepreneurship Specialist Jessica Jane Spayde at Spayde@wisc.edu


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