Home » Getting Your Product on Shelves at Your Local Food Coop
Getting Your Product on Shelves at Your Local Food Coop
Watch the recording of the webinar we held on Monday, March 27, 2023, 10:00 – 11:00 am and view the webinar handouts below.

“Getting Your Product on Shelves at Your Local Food Coop” webinar was live on Zoom on March 27 at 10am where we heard from Extension Educator Lissa Radke and Chequamegon Bay Food Coop’s Marketing and Membership Coordinator Sara Beadle to learn about how to sell your food products at your local food retail cooperative. We also heard from a food business owner who sells at the food coop in Ashland, Wisconsin.

Landis and Steve Spickerman
Hermit Creek Farm owners have practiced regenerative farming in Northern Wisconsin since 1993, growing and delivering local organic produce, pastured pork, and grass-fed lamb. They will share how they started selling products at their local food coop.

Sara Beadle
Sara Beadle is the Marketing and Member Services manager at the Chequamegon Food Co-op in Ashland, WI. She has been with the co-op for two and half years, after graduating from Northland College with a degree in sustainable community development. Sara does a little bit of everything at the co-op but is focused on the co-op’s community impact and marketing efforts. Or in short, she takes a lot of photos, makes a lot of posters, and plans all the co-op’s events.
Lissa Radke
Community Development Educator
Ashland County, Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Division of Extension

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