Home » Starting a Mobile Food Business: Working with a Shared-Use Kitchen
Starting a Mobile Food Business: Working with a Shared-Use Kitchen
Watch the recording of the webinar we held on Monday, March 20, 2023, 1:00 – 2:00 pm and view the webinar handouts below.

“Starting a Mobile Food Business: Working with a Shared-Use Kitchen” webinar was live on Zoom on March 20 at 1pm where we heard from Extension Educator Jess Guffey Calkins and the director of the FEED Kitchen in Madison, Wisconsin, Chris Brockel, to learn how using a shared-use kitchen can help your food business get started. We also heard from entrepreneur Thony Clarke, aka “Mango Man,” who started his mobile food business by using the shared-use FEED Kitchen.
Chef Thony Clarke, aka “Mango Man”
Chef Thony Clarke is the Executive Chef at Café Costa Rica and owner of the Mango Man Sauce line. Thony started the Café Costa Rica food cart in 2003.
Thony is passionate about cooking Latin soul food, experimenting with new ingredients, refining his dishes and sauces, bringing joy to people who eat his food, and supporting new food entrepreneurs.
Thony lives in Madison, and spends most of his time being creative with playing music and making food.

Chris Brockel
Chris is the Northside Planning Council Director of Food Systems, FEED Kitchens, Healthy Food for All, and FEED Bakery and Training. Chris has been involved in food systems work since 2004, and has worked with FEED Kitchens since 2015.
Chris is passionate about local food with a specific interest in accessibility and equity. Chris lives in Madison, and he enjoys the sense of community in Madison neighborhoods. He coordinates his neighborhood community garden.

Jess Guffey Calkins
Jess is the Community Food Systems Educator for University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Dane County. Jess has worked in food systems at Extension since 2019, as well as an additional 10 years in food systems nonprofits, gardens, and farms.
Jess is passionate about addressing food policy and planning to improve food accessibility and resilience. Jess lives in Madison, and enjoys hiking and camping with family and friends.
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