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FEED Summit Engages Food & Farming Entrepreneurs

FEED stands for Food Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Development

The annual FEED Summit helps engage food and farming entrepreneurs in learning about business fundamentals, connecting with business experts and other entrepreneurs, and marketing their business products and services. 

Learn Business Fundamentals

To engage food and farming entrepreneurs in learning about business fundamentals, the FEED Initiative uses the business model canvas as the organizing framework for the FEED Summit. 

Extension colleagues have used the business model canvas to help farm businesses think through their business models. 

The business model canvas is best understood through examples of other business models. During the FEED Summit, we have entrepreneurs telling their stories as it relates to each section of the business model canvas.

Business Model Canvas

Build Business Connections

To engage food and farming entrepreneurs in building better business connections, the FEED Initiative centers entrepreneur interaction during live events. During the 2022 FEED Summit, participants will have two “speed networking” opportunities during the conference, where they will be randomly matched up with other conference participants to talk one-on-one for 5 minutes each. 

The virtual conference platform we are using, Hopin, is specifically designed for interactive and network-building events. Any conference participants can use the chat function with any other participant. Every participant has a

Market Your Business

To engage food and farming entrepreneurs in marketing their businesses, the FEED Initiative provides many opportunities for promoting your products or services. 

During the 2022 FEED Summit, any entrepreneur can sign up as an exhibitor, and have an exhibitor profile and booth in the Expo area of the virtual summit. Exhibitor profiles allow direct links to your business page to direct participants to purchase your products or services. 

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