Articles > Local Food Markets, Marketing & Economics

Resources for local food businesses and communities interested in the economic impacts of local and regional food

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension as well as the State of Wisconsin provide numerous resources for businesses marketing local food and accessing local food markets, as well as communities measuring local and regional food economic impacts.

Local Food Communication and Marketing There are many communication issues when it comes to local food. What messages resonate best with consumers? How do consumers hear about food issues? What does “local” mean to people? This site highlights research by Bret Shaw, University of Wisconsin-Extension faculty, about local food and communication.

Something Special from Wisconsin™ is a trademarked marketing program administered by the Division of Agricultural Development of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, based in Madison, Wisconsin. Whether you market your products and services locally, regionally, nationally or internationally, the Something Special from Wisconsin™ logo brings recognition and credibility, building upon Wisconsin’s reputation for providing the finest products and services available.

Wisconsin Farmers Market Association Wisconsin farmers markets are exciting places that bring together local farmers, artisans and communities. The Wisconsin Farmers Market Association was created by market managers from across the state to encourage and support locally produced foods and products.

The Farm 2 Facts Toolkit Farmers market managers and organizations that use data, or want to start using data, can make informed decisions and communicate with stakeholders to achieve market goals. Organizations include city- or state-wide farmers market organizations, or any other organization that oversees multiple farmers markets (e.g. Fondy Food Center).

The Wisconsin Local Food Marketing Guide provides guidance on everything from planning to licensing your business.

The goal of Fresh Farm Atlas  is to connect more people to local food. The Farm Fresh Atlas website and print publications feature Wisconsin farms, farmers’ markets, restaurants, stores and other businesses that sell local food and use sustainable production and business practices.  Read the brochure >

Economics of Local Food is a virtual collection of emerging research, program evaluations and initiatives that seek to improve understanding of the complexities and economic potential of local and regional food systems and their contributions to community and business development.

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